Q: What is Elder Warner like - where's he from, his interests, how long has he been on his mission?

A: Elder Warner is sweet. He's from Arizona in Mesa, same as Brian Nielson. They didn't know each other. He's into BMX, not racing but freestyle and park. He can skate too. Been sky diving too. Snowboards, and loves good music. We talk about things really easily, which has been a bit of a struggle, because story telling takes time away from pondering how to help your investigators, but it's getting better. He's a good teacher as far as gospel things. When he explains his own thoughts and testimony, it's always very clear and applicable. He's also good about not just saying things because he doesn't know what to say, but really just waiting for the spirit to tell him what to do. It's wonderful teaching with him.
Today we bought a lot of fruit. Like a lot. About 30 bananas of 3 different sorts, apples, oranges, a pinapple, a watermelon, tomatoes and a big ol' cucumber. It's sweet. We brought all of our money for the transfer together, put it in one pot, and share all the food and everything in the house. I'm way excited about this transfer and the people we're working with.
Q: I want all the gory details of your sick week - How high was your temperature? Did you get the spotty rash? Could you take meds to bring down the fever?
A: Well, Monday night my back was achy. The pain increased tremendously, to the point that I wondered if I had done something to injure it. While I was worried about my back, my fever came way up, 40.1 Celsius at the highest-yeah, it was way way high (104 F). The doctor came to our house the next day, the Jansens came every day. By the time the doctor got there, he looked at me and said, you've got dengue fever, but Elder Freeman is REALLY sick. His fever got about as high as mine, but he was feeling way cold and stuff. After the first night, I don't really remember that entire week. I remember being miserable, and when my fever went away, I remember being really bored. I didn't actually eat from Monday until Friday, when the doctor commanded me to eat because the food would strengthen my body to finish off the virus. I just didn't want to. It made me feel nauseated. But in all, all I got was incredible body pain and a fever, and a loss of 10 lbs which I think I've nearly gained back. The muscle is hard to recover. No rash or sweats or anything. I don't like being sick, but the distraction and boredom were the worst part.
Q: Did you get a loaner bicycle from the Jansen's?
A: No, but I met a welder that committed to fix my bike tomorrow. This thing may or may not make it until April.
Q: When you were in Mundar before, who was your companion(s)?
A: I served 3 months with Elder Bell in Munder
6 weeks with Elder Guinn
then these coming 6 weeks with Elder Warner. Which brings us to 6 months in Munder, but I've also served 6 months in Paramaribo North, or Blauwgrond, which will mean I spent 1 year in the Paramaribo Branch. I like the branch - certain people are wonderful, others I hope to help to become better.
Q: Who are you visiting, teaching, spending time with?
A: We'll baptize 5 people this transfer, they are:
Prim- A cousin of a recent convert, Suradj
Bro Buddha-Older Brother of Suradj
Conshita-Also a relative of Suradj
Bro Olymph- Very strong member of the Evangelie Broeders Gemeente (EBG) or Gospel Brothers Church. That church is much like the Southern Baptist, but a little less Anti-Mormon. That's where most the converts to this church come from. He's so cool, he brings a whole new spice to the branch, a spice I think they need. He's going to be married to a returning member.
Melanie- She wants to be good. We found her on our own. She's very kind, and willing to repent.
We're also working with Clifton and Carmine, they must be married before baptism, but both take place next transfer. Carmine is also from the EBG, and flavorful. She's always saying "yea Jesus" when we pray. I love it, even though it makes me feel a bit awkward. Clifton is quiet, humble and kind. But they are being well integrated into the branch. With all the people getting married, they started a Wednesday evening marriage class that anyone can go to. It's pretty cool sounding to me.
Q: Did you ever get the letter that forwarded to you from Jeremy Armstrong? I sat behind him in church today and just thought of it.
A: Yes, thanks. I'll talk to him when I'm home.
Photos. Me and Elder Warner wanted to portray what our companionship is really like. So we did. Those are my bread and butter ties, the ones I wear pretty much every day.
You are all so wonderful. I wish I had another hour to email. I'm making these days and weeks really count.
-Elder Hulme