Thursday, May 6, 2010

Translating is a Funny Thing

Yesterday, I received a nice little e-mail from Xander.  It was a very short, early Happy Mother's Day greeting.  At the end of the letter, he wrote a few lines in Dutch, knowing that I would cut and paste the Dutch into our Mac's Translator widget to find out what he wrote.  I laughed out loud when I read it.

I'm pretty sure that he meant to write "best" instead of "beest" because after a little research, "best" is the same in both languages, but is probably pronounced with a long e in Dutch.  Beest = Animal.  He just misspelled "dankbaar" which means grateful or thankful.  Can't really figure out the last phrase.  I know it has something to do with when I sent a package containing some treats and notes for other missionaries in his district.


  1. I lol'ed much. Seems its pretty rough translating from dutch to english.

  2. Glad to hear that the X is surving the compound. Those were some rough 14 weeks for me. Gross.
