Sunday, March 25, 2012

Subh Holi

March 12, 2012
Hello everyone, Subh Holi!

I was on exchanges with S. and we went to P.'s home.  Upon arrival I refused to step inside.  P. asked me"Yu a frede fu a kon?" which means "are you afraid to come inside?"  I explained that due to the filthy photograph on the wall, I would not come inside.  He walked over, tore it from his little wooden wall ruined it, and threw the photo away. I was very impressed.  He's been learning to read, and repenting.  I really like P.
Subh Holi is have a good holy. Phagwa is a Hindu holiday that I love very much.  It's mostly just a big party, but you party with what's called Phagwa Powder, colored powder to color clothing and skin.  I had to wear old clothing to avoid loss, because it all got destroyed.  Here is how Phagwa works; You go to someone and ask if they are playing, if so, you pour powder all over them.  Sometimes people forget to ask.  The old men do it a little more reserved.  They come and spray some cologne/perfume on you, a few sprays on either shoulder, and give you a hug.  We'll be celebrating it in Utah next year.  I think by that big temple in Spanish Fork people come together to do it yearly there.  There is loud Hindu music and singing and dancing and some drinking.  Lots of food like Curry with roti or rice.  We celebrated with S. and his sister S. and their family.  We also met a bunch of new people and should be getting a new investigator soon.  
Saturday we went to Sister H.'s home to learn to make curry.  We made two kinds of curry and 3 kinds of rotis and had a great time.  We got some referrals too.  I wrote it ALL down, so mom I'll have to show you how to make this food some day, because it tastes so so so good.  It's actually almost healthy too, depending on which kind you make.  

Bro O. will be baptized on Saturday!! also married on Wednesday preceding the baptism.  It's so impressive talking to him, how he's changed his life from being on the streets addicted to drugs and breaking most of the commandments, to being a well groomed man who is about to make a covenant with God to always keep the commandments.  I love working with him.  I'll get some good pictures of both events.  The work is good, we'll be seeing more success than this area has ever seen.  
I love you all!
-Elder Hulme