I always keep a family photo with me for two reasons. One is that I like you guys. The other is because the old ladies like looking at photos and I've always got to be on the "in" with the old ladies. And last week I was looking at the family photo that I keep in my missionary handbook (rules of being a missionary) and realized that it's us against the rest of the world. That in the end, family will be all any of us have. I think we've got a good team. Y'all are sweet. And yes, I broke down and have adopted some of the Southern vernacular. It's a mix now of Utah, and Southern Gangster. Yeah, I'm that cool. Ha!
A principle that I am learning very well is that of being careful what you pray for. I've been praying for faith, and the only real way to strengthen faith is by having it tried. So we've been getting hit by problem after problem and trial after trial, all the while being made stronger. I really have learned so much in these past months. About the Gospel is one thing, but also about people and about myself and my goals and time/general management.
I've seen so much poverty and laziness and so many people who are lost who don't even know it. People seem to be drawn so easily to falsehood and paranoia. What Joseph Smith said that Jesus said is definitely true "They draw near unto me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of Godliness, but they deny the power thereof." That is what reigns here. The preachers put on a show so that going to church is more like a show than an opportunity to grow.
Anyway, I gave myself a haircut today, and I think it's pretty good. Short and low-profile. Just finished all my chores for the day, too. Laundry, bed making, cleaning stuff. We got a new sink on Thursday. I called and asked the building to send someone to fix our leaky faucet, and they gave us a new sink, basin and all. The only thing it's missing is a disposal. That would be so nice to have!
I've got a recurring knot in my back. Any guesses how to get rid of it? The muscle is beneath my shoulder blade making it impossible to massage it. It feels like the muscle is attached to the top of my right lung. It may be from bike riding? I really can't figure it out.
This was my philosophical question of the day. Which is the greater miracle?
1) Jesus heals a leper with his hands
2) A vaccine is created to heal all leprosy
This came from our investigator Denise's concern that miracles ceased in Biblical times. While I thought of it, this came to mind. I think I know the answer, but I'll omit my thoughts for now.
Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the Seventy spoke last week. We made it to the youth fireside. He talked about how it's easier to avoid temptation than it is to resist temptation. He compared the temptation to fresh baked cookies. If you walk into the house (after committing to yourself to never eat a cookie), and there are fresh baked cookies, that's a tough thing to pass up. Your best move is to leave the house and get far far far from the cookies. But how hard is it going to be if you are in the kitchen with your mouth salivating, smelling the cookies, looking at them just sitting there? Is it easier to avoid or resist? Exceptional fireside - I thought it was very well presented.
My district leader is great. Something about him - he and I kicked it off great a month and a half ago when I went on a teamup with him. Teamups are when you trade companions for 24 hours. I hope to serve with him for a whole 6 weeks at some point. His name might be part of why I like him. Elder Robison. He's from a little city halfway between St. George and Vegas. Grew up on a ranch there - just a great missionary. Elder Robison just has a good ring to it when you say it.
Simon - way to make it into the better band. Start writing your own music. Clarinet hip-hop is what we need more of here in the south.
Elder Guinn and I have made millions of foods:
- All breakfast foods including, syrup, pancakes, french toast, eggs, biscuits/gravy, this exquisite sweet potato hashbrown meal (sweet potatoes, bacon, onion), and smoothies.
- We make killer sandwiches lots, with good bread and way too much spinach. I make corn lots, fresh and frozen and eat it like elotes, Nacho Libre style.
- Salads - I made some salad dressing out of yogurt. It was bad. I put shredded carrots and stuff on salads.
- Elder Guinn made some stew today out of Brother Rice's beans and pork and chicken. It's not bad except for the beans.
- Mostly we just avoid allowing the members to get KFC for us.
- I'm about to make eggy noodles which should be way good. Please send simple recipes. Or more ideas of filling but healthy things to eat.
Mostly as of now, we just try to eat all our food before it goes bad. I think Elder Guinn doesn't care for vegetables, so I eat most of them veggies. Fruit is way spendy, but there are usually stands we go to that I can get cheap food stuff on the fly. We have access to $.10 peaches! I've developed a LOVE for Grape Nuts - the best breakfast. Also, Homestyle Bushes Baked Beans - I eat a 1 lb. can of those every week. Last week we made some enchiladas calculated at $1.00 each, and they were so so good! After all is said and done, we really just mix everything we have with something else and call it a meal. I may just make a photo documentary of it.
Mom, I think I finally understand the pain you feel when the house is messy. Messy houses are a no go for me now. I keep this place nice whenever possible. And if it is cluttered it eats at me until I can clean up. To keep a floor clean requires so much sweeping.
I got a picture of Freddy and I and will send it home ASAP When I can print it from Elder Guinn's camera.
I love you all,
Elder Hulme
p.s. I just walked into the kitchen and Elder Guinn looked up with a guilty face. I noticed he was holding a spatula and our stove was on with a frying pan on it. He stated, "I'm doing an experiment." To my delight, he is currently frying cookies. Not a bad idea. Use low heat.
Wow! What an awesome letter and what an awesome guy. I learned a few new things:) Thanks for sharing.