After the trip to the binnenland, Elder Guinn and I thought we were going to get busted hard. We called the assistants and asked them about it, they asked President Gamiette, and nothing happened. The whole thing turned out just fine.
I got a crazy crazy transfer call. I'll be working in Wanica. I get to serve as a trainer for an elder fresh out of the MTC name Elder Job. He's from the Netherlands, but his parents are from Curacao. He arrives Wednesday morning at like 2, and I'll be working in Wanica with Elder Tullis until he arrives. I'm very relieved (and a little sad) to not be the zone leader anymore. That's a really big mantle and I can feel the weight of it lifting off me already. I will miss driving though. I get to learn Dutch from a native now too, that will help lots. Elders Guinn and Pederson will also be training. Their trainees got stuck due to visa delays, but they shouldn't be held up long though. Elder Norton is going back to being zone leader, with Elder Scott, who will be coming back from Guyana - he left a few months ago and gets to come back.
Marina is doing well, she will be baptized on the 6th of August. We found a family too, the Roos. That means pink. They are sweet, and should be baptized soon
There was that same iguana who used to live in the tree outside my window, we found where he's living now. He was hanging out on our big water tank this morning. So we started chasing him around. What it finally came to was us walking around behind this boomkip and now he's stuck on our balcony where we chill on the hammock. Pets are not allowed, but I don't think it's bad to leave nature where nature wants to live right?
Studies have been a lot on obedience if you can see the irony there. There is this quote by Bruce R McConkie "Faith is a gift of God bestowed as a reward for personal righteousness. It is always given when righteousness is present, and the greater the measure of obedience to God's laws the greater will be the endowment of Faith." If you mix this quote with Ether 12:12 you get miracles. So I've been trying to become more righteous. Trying to lift myself from the physical to the spiritual side of things. Then yesterday morning I received some of the best revelation I've ever received, it came from a talk given by Kevin W. Pearson. "The ability to focus and be steadfast , continually holding fast to true principles, nothing wavering, even when the mist of darkness confronting us is exceedingly great. This quality of faith is exceedingly powerful." When things get rough and the mist gets thicker what can you do? There are really only two options. Stop and start sliding backwards, or press forward. Using Lehi's vision, how would one take steps forward? If you can't see anything but want to get to the tree, what could lead you there? There's only one thing really, the word of God. It's been a good week of studies.
I love you all lots, hope these photos go through easy.
-Elder Hulme
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